Thoughts of self-care might conjure images of luxury facials, lavish spa treatments and drastic glam makeovers. But self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or spending sprees — self-care means taking care of yourself. While there’s no harm in indulging in lux...
Work-life balance statistics show that many people struggle to maintain the right equilibrium between their work and personal lives. Globally, over one-third of all workers regularly work more than 48 hours per week. This lack of work-home balance represents the...
Good sleep habits can promote a better night’s rest and do wonders for your mental and physical health. Despite the well-established importance of sleep hygiene, many people find themselves lacking good quality sleep. While there are several causes and risk factors...
Having anxiety or feeling worried often doesn’t have to interfere with your daily life. You can untangle your thoughts and let out your feelings through journaling for anxiety disorders. There are many ways you can make journaling unique and fun every time you sit...
While saying “thank you” is often expected in certain situations, gratitude goes beyond just saying those simple words. Gratitude is a feeling of being deeply grateful and appreciative for all of the good things in life — whether it be a person, pet, situation or...