We all want what’s best for our kids, and choosing how we raise them is an important decision. There are four different parenting styles researchers have identified over the years. Whether you use a combination of types or stick to one, it’s best for you and your...
Family means many different things to different people. Some people associate family with love and security, while others might have complicated feelings about their familial relationships. Family is highly valued, and rightfully so. But that value should be earned by...
Over 4 million college students graduated in 2021. Many were left wondering what to do after their time in college ended. Even when students take advantage of their schools’ post-grad programs, it can still be difficult to step into a career — and life as a “real”...
Smartphones, tablets and other devices have become an integral part of society. With endless apps, social media sites and the ability to contact friends and family in an instant, smartphones grab people’s attention easily. While cell phones are a helpful device to...
While our society often normalizes high school drinking, it can lead to physical, emotional and behavioral problems along with addiction. Teen drinking may feel like a sensitive subject, but it’s crucial to talk about it before it’s too late. Middle schoolers, high...
Digital screens are a part of everyone’s life. As more school and work environments allow for long-distance and at-home options, daily media use has become increasingly necessary to our society. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children aged 8-12...