No one wants to go through a divorce, but going through the experience with children can be particularly daunting. A parent’s divorce can be a shocking, confusing, frustrating, stressful and sad time for children, though a child’s reaction depends on their...
No one wants to talk about death, but if you’re a parent, the prospect of talking to your child about death can be especially daunting. There’s no “right time” if you’re wondering when to talk to children about death. Many times, conversations about death happen...
Have you started teaching your child about politics? A 2016 survey found that only 10 percent of parents believe that any age is a good age to discuss politics with children. That means a lot of parents are waiting until their children are older to start talking. We...
If you are a high school senior or recent graduate who isn’t sure what to major in, you’re not alone. Many 18-year-olds are still discovering who they are, what they want and where they’re going. As such, it makes more sense for many young adults to take a gap year to...
Racism is a hot topic throughout the world nowadays and for good reason. It can be a complicated concept that’s hard to define accurately. In fact, many people believe the dictionary definition of racism is inaccurate since the dictionary often cannot keep up with the...
We’ve all seen it. You’re at a restaurant, a store, or in a friend’s home. A child asks their parent for something and is told “not right now, honey”. And then: all hell breaks loose. The once calm child is now screaming, crying, and yelling. They call their...