Sibling rivalry is very common in households with two or more kids, and it’s understandable. Children are forced to live under the same roof and spend most of their free time together. With different personalities and temperaments in the mix, it’s common...
The first thing to know about test anxiety is it’s very normal — so if you or your loved one experience it, you’re not alone. Between 25% and 40% of students in the United States experience test anxiety and know how frustrating it feels. Luckily, there are...
Burnout is a common occurrence that can happen to anyone. It happens when stress and pressure reach a tipping point, resulting in exhaustion, emptiness and difficulty getting through daily life. Anyone exposed to a stressful environment for a prolonged period can...
It can be challenging to balance life and school. Extracurricular activities, homework, after-school jobs, relationships, and family commitments can quickly pile up, creating a stressful environment that can become overwhelming. When significant life changes — like a...
Everyone experiences anger, and this feeling can be a positive emotion when you use it to work through issues. However, anger can become harmful if it leads to outbursts, aggression or physical reactions toward others. Controlling anger is important because it...
Although many people assume stress is only a negative experience for the mind and body, stress can actually be good in that it can help enhance your performance. Understanding good and bad stress can empower you to manage your stress levels and live a happier, more...
Lately, more and more people are recognizing the value of therapy. Therapists who focus on anxiety are really feeling the demand — over 80% have seen a spike in requests for help since early 2019. That is more than the year before when only 74% noticed. It is no...
Social media is everywhere. From Snapchat and Facebook to TikTok and YouTube, there are many ways to connect with people and find interesting information. Many don’t consider the impact social media can have on mental health. Although social media can encourage...
In pursuing a fulfilling life, mental well-being cannot be overlooked. Our minds are an intricate tapestry of emotions, thoughts and experiences, shaping our perceptions and responses to the world around us. In this demanding modern world, the burden of stress,...
Work-life balance statistics show that many people struggle to maintain the right equilibrium between their work and personal lives. Globally, over one-third of all workers regularly work more than 48 hours per week. This lack of work-home balance represents the...