Adolescent Therapy

The teenage years are an exciting time for your child. New experiences, deep friendships, and greater independence define this period in a young person’s life. Yet, this time is also filled with dramatic biological and cognitive changes. You may find that your sweet kid is now butting heads with you about every decision. Or, they may seem to be struggling with challenging emotions or thoughts that they’re unwilling to talk to you about.


As your teenager navigates this transformative period, adolescent therapy in Andover, MA could be a valuable resource for your family.​ The clinicians at the Merrimack Valley Psychological Associates specialize in therapy for teenagers, offering compassionate support tailored to their unique needs. Our psychologists for adolescents in Andover are dedicated to helping teens overcome obstacles and thrive.

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Understanding Adolescence

Adolescence is a transitional period between the carefree life of childhood and the responsibilities of impending adulthood. This time of life is defined by choices. Teenagers are faced with a variety of critical decisions — friendships, academics, sexuality, alcohol and drugs. This can all be boiled down to the search for their unique identity.

The purpose of adolescence is to transform, both socially and psychologically, into a young adult. A few key features generally characterize the teenage years:

  • Acquiring freedom and responsibilities
  • Developing independence
  • Differentiating themselves from their parents
  • Developing their own unique identity
  • Relatively egocentric view of life
  • Struggling with insecurities or feelings of being judged
  • Developing peer groups and romantic interests
  • Increasing awareness of personal appearance
  • Anxiety about their place in the world

Our counseling for teenagers in Andover, MA can provide a safe space for your teen to process these challenges, explore their identity, and build resilience.

Common Mental Health Challenges for Teenagers

Your teen is bound to face mild anxiety and other challenges. However, serious mental health conditions can also emerge during adolescence. Some of the most common mental health challenges teenagers face include:

  • Anxiety or unhealthy stress. While stress is normal, excessive fear, uneasiness or worry can impact the quality of your teen’s daily life.
  • Depression. This mood disorder leads to feelings of sadness or worthlessness, impacting how they view themselves and the world.
  • ADHD. If your teenager struggles with impulse control, inattention, or hyperactivity, they may have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Navigating identity and decisions. Adolescence is a pivotal time in a young person’s life. While new independence can be exciting, the weight of responsibilities and navigating big decisions such as college and a career can feel overwhelming.

Our counselors for teens are here to help your child manage these challenges, offering expert guidance and support.

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Counseling for Teenagers in Andover and the Merrimack Valley

At Merrimack Valley Psychological Associates, you’ll find a counseling team of psychologists and clinicians well suited to the special needs and concerns of adolescents. If your child struggles with a mental health concern or they’re overwhelmed by the future, having a neutral party to talk to can offer incredible benefits.

  • Teenagers often find it hard to be completely transparent with their parents. Our team of young clinicians can easily relate to adolescents, allowing them to feel comfortable talking about their problems and struggles.
  • Therapy for adolescents is an excellent opportunity to sort through their intense and often confusing thoughts and emotions and find a peaceful balance.
  • Counseling is an important way to address serious mental health problems such as anxiety or depression so that adolescents can learn essential coping mechanisms.

Contact Us to Learn More About Adolescent Therapy in Andover

If you’re searching for adolescent therapy in Andover, our team is here to support your family every step of the way. To learn more about our adolescent counseling services in Andover and surrounding communities, we invite you to fill out our online contact form or give us a call at (978) 482–7351.

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Reviewed By

Dr. David Rainen, PsyD. 

I am a licensed clinical psychologist with an extensive background treating a variety of different ages, situations, emotional and mental health disorders in individuals and their families.  As part of my 10 year professional and training career in psychology, I have developed and refined my skills and approaches through my work in a variety of diverse settings including: hospitals, community outpatient facilities, college counseling centers, secure and unsecure inpatient/residential treatment programs, and therapeutic day schools.




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